Make it Easier for Newcomers to Find Your Meeting
Free self-inking stamp available for every meeting with a Public Information Rep
To help the fellowship carry the message C.A.London Area’s PI Committee is delighted to offer a free, personalised self-inking stamp to every PI Representative in the London area. The stamp will be especially created for your meeting, bearing the meeting’s name, day of the week and start and finish times. Use it to stamp your meeting’s details on to PI leaflets, Business Cards and other C.A. Literature. It’s a quick and easy way to help Newcomers find your meeting, and a great addition to the PI tools available to you. Any meeting’s PI Rep can get their free, personalised meeting stamp by contacting Carl F on 07786 671430. And if your meeting does not have a PI Rep yet, vote one in! It’s a great bit of service that saves people’s lives.

Calling all PI Reps. Make it Easier for Newcomers to find Your Meeting
Any meeting with a PI Rep can apply now for their free self-inking stamp